Paper Published: The sigma profile: A formal tool to study organization and its evolution at multiple scales, Complexity

Gershenson, C. (2010). The sigma profile: A formal tool to study organization and its evolution at multiple scales. Complexity, first published online: 10 NOV 2010. DOI: 10.1002/cplx.20350

The σ profile is presented as a tool to analyze the organization of systems at different scales, and how this organization changes in time. Describing structures at different scales as goal-oriented agents, one can define σ ∈ [0,1] (satisfaction) as the degree to which the goals of each agent at each scale have been met. σ reflects the organization degree at that scale. The σ profile of a system shows the satisfaction at different scales, with the possibility to study their dependencies and evolution. It can also be used to extend game theoretic models. The description of a general tendency on the evolution of complexity and cooperation naturally follows from the σ profile. Experiments on a virtual ecosystem are used as illustration.

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Hector Zenil said…
How would this be related to the concept of renormalization group? Take care.
Carlos said…
Yes, it is related, since you also check different scales in renormalization group theory.

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