Final CfP: ALife XV

ALife XV: The Fifteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems will take place in Cancun, Mexico, on July 4-8, 2016. The deadline for paper and abstract submissions was extended to February 29th . This extension is final. All accepted contributions will be published by MIT Press as open online proceedings. There are two submission options: Full papers (8 pages) should report on new, unpublished work. Extended abstracts (2 pages) can report on previously published work, but offer a new perspective on that work. Submitted or novel work is also acceptable for abstracts. Accepted works will be selected as oral or poster presentations. Submissions can be made also for a Special Session on ALife and Society . The Call for Artworks is out. Accepted Workshops and Tutorials will be announced soon. We are happy to announce that our keynote speakers cover a wide variety of topics and include R...