Call for Abstracts CCS'17: The Conference on Complex Systems 2017
//Please forward to whom might be interested CCS'17: The Conference on Complex Systems 2017 Cancun, Mexico. September 17-22. The flagship conference of the Complex Systems Society will go to Latin America for the first time in 2017. The Mexican complex systems community is enthusiast to welcome colleagues to one of our richest destinations: Cancun. The conference will include presentations by the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry Mario Molina (environment), Raissa D'Souza (network science), Ranulfo Romo (neuroscience), Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi (geophysics), Antonio Lazcano (origins of life), Marta González (human mobility), Dirk Brockmann (epidemiology), Kristina Lerman (information sciences), Stefano Battiston (economics), John Quackenbush (computational biology), Giovanna Miritello (data science), and more TBA. We invite abstract contributions (500 words maximum) for oral presentations or posters in the follow...