
Showing posts from October, 2006

One Mexico, two presidents

After the electoral fraud last July in Mexico, the right wing candidate Felipe Calderó n is due to take possession of the presidency on D ecembe 1st. However, things are still uncertain as left wing candidate A ndrés Manuel Ló pe z Ob r ador (w ho was the real winner of the elections), was declared "legitimate president" by millions at the National Democratic Convention, and should take possession on November 20th, t he anniversary of the Mexican Revolution. If the institutions betray the people, the people can deny those institutions... In general, the situation is not violent. However, the conflict in the state of Oaxaca is reaching new heights. The APP O mo vement, formed mainly by teachers and peasants, has the capital of the state "under siege" for several months now. In practice, the governor hasn't been in office since then. The sen tate st udied the disappearance of powers in Oaxaca, but even when they admit that the state is not governable, they di

New paper: Self-organizing traffic lights: A realistic simulation

frameborder="0" height="45" width="40" align="left">   Cools, S.B., C. Gershenson, and B. D'Hooghe (2006). Self-organizing traffic lights: A realistic simulation . Submitted. Abstract :We have previously shown in an abstract simulation ( Gershenson, 2005 ) that self-organizing traffic lights can improve greatly traffic flow for any density. In this paper, we extend these results to a realistic setting, implementing self-organizing traffic lights in an advanced traffic simulator using real data from a Brussels avenue. On average, for different traffic densities, travel waiting times are reduced by 50% compared to the current green wave method. Full paper at: