
Showing posts from March, 2007

Philosophy and Complexity (New edited book)

My first co-edited book is out! WORLDVIEWS, SCIENCE AND US Philosophy and Complexity University of Liverpool, UK 11 - 14 September 2005 edited by Carlos Gershenson, Diederik Aerts (Brussels Free University, Belgium) & Bruce Edmonds (Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, UK) Scientific, technological, and cultural changes have always had an impact upon philosophy. They can force a change in the way we perceive the world, reveal new kinds of phenomena to be understood, and provide new ways of understanding phenomena. Complexity science, immersed in a culture of information, is having a diverse but particularly significant impact upon philosophy. Previous ideas do not necessarily sit comfortably with the new paradigm, resulting in new ideas or new interpretations of old ideas. In this unprecedented interdisciplinary volume, researchers from different backgrounds join efforts to update thinking upon philosophical questions with developments in the scientific study of co