CfP: Special Issue on Complex Networks, Artificial Life
Call for Papers
Special Issue on Complex Networks
Artificial Life Journal
As a result of the quality of the Complex Networks track at the ALife XII conference last August in Odense, Denmark and the interest of the attendants; we announce a call for papers for a special issue on this theme for the Artificial Life Journal.
Many complex systems are amenable to be described as networks. These include genetic regulatory, structural or functional cortical networks, ecological systems, metabolism of biological species, author collaborations, interaction of autonomous systems in the Internet, etc. A recent trend suggests to study common global topological features of such networks, e.g. network diameter, clustering coefficients, assortativity, modularity, community structure, etc.
Various network growth models have also been proposed and studied to emulate the features of the real-world networks, e.g. the preferential attachment model, which explains scale-free power law degree distributions observed in many real-world networks.
Another direction is to investigate network motifs and subgraphs in order to understand and analyse the local structure and function of networks. The presence of a certain motif in a network may mean that that motif plays an important role in the overall functionality of the network. Thus, functionality of specific motifs, including their information processing and control functions, is a challenging topic relevant in Artificial Life studies, such as genetic regulatory networks, cell signaling networks, and protein interaction networks.
In addition, propagation and processing of information within networks may be analysed as (Shannon) information dynamics. Such analysis requires to consider not only networks' topology, but also the time-series dynamics at individual nodes. Specific topics of interest include phase transitions of network properties between ordered and chaotic regimes, where information transfer is often maximised, and other nonlinear phenomena related to criticality in networks.
The intention of the special issue is to bring together research from both Artificial Life and Complex Networks communities, in order to facilitate cross-fertilization, increase exposure of both communities to relevant research and foster new collaborations.
Contributions to the Session should be prepared and submitted according to the Artificial Life journal guidelines, available at Authors should also include a cover letter describing briefly the relevance of their article to the specific topic of this call. Every submission will be subject to full peer review.
Articles should NOT be submitted to the journal editor, but should be uploaded through the special issue website (TBA).
Papers will be judged by members of the Program Committee on their relevance to the call for papers, originality, clarity of the presentation, and overall quality.
Important Dates
Paper submission: December 15th, 2010
Paper notification: February 28th, 2011
Camera-ready papers due: March 31st, 2011
Program Committee
Guest Editors
Dr. Mikhail Prokopenko
CSIRO, Australia
Dr. Carlos Gershenson