Oil Privatization Attempts in Mexico

Yesterday, an energetic reform was presented by Felipe Calderón (aka FeCal) to the Mexican senate. It attempts to modify several laws, although these changes violate the constitution. Using fallacies of prosperity for Mexico, the right wing government is attempting to privatize the extraction, transport, and refining of oil and gas.
Many arguments and passions and interests can be put forward, but let us simply note the following fact: Oil is the first source of income for Mexico (followed by money sent by more than ten million immigrants in the U.S. to their families, and tourism in third place). The cost of a Mexican oil barrel is around $85 these days, but its production is less than ten. The difference is used to pay for public education, health services, social security, etc. (as deficient as they may be). I fail to see how transmitting this profit to private foreign companies (such as Repsol, Exxon, Texaco, who have already shown obscure and questionable ties to FeCal's team) will benefit Mexicans. Where will we get that money from? Will we keep on sending migrants to the other side of the border to harvest food we will later import?
The proposal says that the oil will still be property of the state, in the attempt of disguising the ripoff of the national patrimony. Still, how good is oil for me, when its profits are filling the pockets of foreign companies and corrupt politicians? Some Mexican politicians seem to confuse the difference between getting luxury condos in Acapulco and reducing the poverty that affects almost half of the population.
A social movement is growing to prevent this shameless ripoff. Let us hope that they manage (once again) to stop the privatization attempts. Unfortunately, most of the media are on the side of FeCal... Why would you question a president? Well, if he reached his post with a blatant fraud one should at least be concerned of the motives behind his agenda.
My little grain of sand consists on publishing this information that fails to reach the international media. Because of this, I would request readers to please forward this post to anyone who might be interested in these issues.


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