International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization (INDS’08)

First International Workshop on nonlinear dynamics and synchronization
July18-19, 2008 (Klagenfurt, Austria)

The First International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and
Synchronization (INDS’08) is a two-day international workshop bringing
together international researchers, developers and practitioners from
different horizons to discuss the latest advances in nonlinear dynamics
and synchronization. INDS’08 will serve as a forum to present current
and future works as well as to exchange research ideas pertaining to
various aspects in this field of nonlinear dynamic systems and
synchronization. INDS’08 will feature contributed as well as invited
papers and will include poster and demo sessions.

Keynote Speakers:
G. Chen, City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
L.O. Chua, University of California, USA
D. Helbing, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
J. Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
W. Mathis, University of Hannover, Germany
D. Ruan, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Belgium

The major focus of this inter-disciplinary workshop lies on the
following areas:

* Theoretical fundamentals of synchronization
* Nonlinear systems and synchronization
* Experiments of nonlinear dynamics and synchronization
* Simulation of nonlinear dynamics and synchronization
* Applications of nonlinear dynamics and synchronization:

o Self-organized traffic management systems
o Self-organized intelligent supply chains and logistics systems
o Cybernetics
o Systems control
o Robotics
o Cooperative advanced driver assistance systems
o Pattern recognition
o Computational intelligence models (soft computing and
machine learning)
o Cellular neural networks and applications
o Image processing (incl. scene analysis)
o Signal processing (incl. speech processing and recognition)
o Self-reconfigurable systems
o Self-healing systems
o Self-testing systems
o Coupled oscillatory systems
o Bio-computing, neuro-computing, biology, bio-chemistry
o Chaos control
o Communication (wired and wireless), networking and sensor
o Cryptography and security
o Social sciences, psychology, business and management

Important dates:
Extended abstract submission: 28.02.2008
Acceptance notification: 15.04.2008
Full paper submission: 30.04.2008
Early registration deadline: 25.05.2008

Submission of papers:
Researchers are invited to submit an extended abstract (min. 3-4 pages)
before 28.02.2008. After review and acceptance of the extended abstracts
authors will be invited to submit a 6-8 page full paper version. For
submission please follow the link:
Camera-ready full papers will be included in the workshop proceedings,
which will be published by “Shaker Verlag” (Germany) and distributed to
the participants at the workshop.

Post-workshop publications:
The best contributions, based upon the quality, novelty and relevancy,
will be invited to submit a longer paper (10-14 pages). After undergoing
a thorough review process selected papers will be published in two books
(one with Springer and the second with World Scientific Publisher).
Moreover two special issues of journals are also planned: one with “The
Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal” published by Bentham publishing,
and the second with the “International Journal of Computational
Intelligence Systems”, published by Atlantis Press. The first special
issue will be on “Nonlinear Dynamics, Synchronization, and
Applications”. The second special issue will select 7 papers related to
soft computing issues/applications in the context of nonlinear dynamics
and synchronization.

General Chair:
K. Kyamakya (Austria)
Program Co-Chairs:
G. Chen (Hongkong)
W. Halang (Germany)
D. Ruan (Belgium)
Organization Chairs:
A. Bouchachia (Austria)
J. C. Chedjou (Austria)
Z. Li (Germany)

Technical Program Committee (to be extended):

G. Auer (Germany)
A. Bagula (South Africa)
C. Bettstetter (Austria)
C. Bobda (Germany)
A. Bouchachia (Austria)
G. Casati (Italy)
J. C. Chedjou (Austria)
G. Chen (Hong Kong)
D. Cheng (China)
L.O. Chua (USA)
M. Ding (USA)
S. Elaydi (USA)
J. Gallas (Germany)
J.E. Garcia (Spain)
C. Gershenson (Mexico)
W. Halang (Germany)
M. Hofbaur (Austria)
Y. Hong (China)
M. Huemer (Austria)
H. Hwarng (Singapore)
J. Kacprzyk (Poland)
K. Kyamakya (Austria)
H. Leung (Canada)
W. Mathis (Germany)
P. McClintock (UK)
J. T. Mendon (Portugal)
V. Nguyen (Vietnam)
J. Pilz (Austria)
V.Romanovski (Slovenia)
D. Ruan (Belgium)
P. Siarry (France)
R. Stoop (Switzerland)
K. Takatsuka (Japan)
C. M. Takenga (Germany)
K.S. Tang (Hong Kong)
K. Umeno (Japan)


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